Mariann Enge

Essay. Fra artikkelserien «Røyksignaler fra The Badlands». Publisert 17. september 2001.

Mariann Enge

Essay. Fra artikkelserien «Røyksignaler fra The Badlands». Publisert 17. september 2001.

Mariann Enge

Født 1971. Redaktør for Kunstkritikk.

1. *

I orginal lyder diktene slik:«You, island in this page / image in this page // evening’s eyelid, silk / four walls of breath // I could say to them / Watch yourself pass // Relax an watch yourself pass / Look at the thread» og «You, island in this page / image in this page // What if things really did / correspond, silk to breath // evening to eyelid / thread to thread» (SUN s. 16–17)

2. *

«The River City Interview with Michael Palmer», River City Spring 1994 (14.2)

3. *

American Poets Since World War II. Fifth Series, ed. Joseph Conte (1996), s. 222. Dette oppslagsverket, som er litt vel digert å ha i hylla hjemme, er blant annet å finne på Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo.

4. *

Jeg har Paal Bjelke Andersen å takke ikke bare for tilgangen til denne boken, men også for tilgangen til en rekke artikler om og intervjuer med Michael Palmer.

5. *

Linda Reinfeld: Language Poetry. Writing as Rescue, 1992, s. 15. (Reinfeld siterer Barbara Johnson: The Critical Difference, Baltimore 1980, s. xii.)

6. *

Ibid s. 3.

7. *

Keith Tuma: «An interview with Michael Palmer», Contemporary Literature (1989:1)

8. *

«The River City Interview».

9. *

I original: «Desire was a quotation from someone. // Someone says, This This. Someone says, Is. // The tribe confronts a landscape of ice. // He says, I will se you in the parallel life. // She says, A miser has died from the cold: he spoke all his sentences / and meant no harm. // My voice is clipped, yours a pattern of dots. // Three unmailed have preceded this, a kind of illness. // Now I give you these lines without any marks, not even a breeze. // dumb words mangled by use // like reciting a lesson or the Lord’s Prayer. // How lovely the unspeakable must be. You only have to say it and it / tells a story. // A few dead and a few missing // and the tribe to show you its tongue. It has only one.» (SUN s. 37)

10. *

«The River City Interview».

11. *


12. *

I original: «Write this. We have burned all their villages // Write this. We have burned all the villages and the people in them // We have adopted their customs and their manner of dress // Write this. A word may be shaped like a bed, a basket of tears or an X» (SUN, s. 83)

13. *

«The River City Interview»

14. *
